Friday, January 8, 2010

U.S Policy Regarding:Terrorism

Terrorism in the U.S has been growing through these couple of years. On Christmas day, a Nigerian got on a jetliner and ignited an explosive but failed and set himself on fire. President Obama told the Homeland Security Department to speed up the installation of advance-tech equipment to screen passengers for example body scanner in U.S airports. Also, have international airports upgrade the equipment to protect passengers going the U.S. Obama told the department to make it more difficult for people that have connections to terrorism to receive them and making it easier to take the visas away. Law enforcement officers are being train to be on most of the flights that take place in the U.S. President Obama has expanded the criteria for adding people to the terrorism watch lists. The government's counterattack idea was easily caught off guard by an Al-Qaida group in Yemen. Analysts are helping Obama for a solution in these terrorist attacks. The attack that happen on Christmas day, might have failed but it also gave the United States more information on which countries could have people that are a part of Al-Qaida. With the new information they can add Yemen into the no-fly list and gave info on the man who try to bomb the plane, had a visa to visit the U.S which can mean that anyone could be a bomber and all they need is a visa to the U.S.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Political Cartoon:Global Warming

Global Warming is a big problem today. Many think its not real while othere think it is. In this political cartoon it shows how a man says that global warming is a hoax and that he doesn't believe that the earth is getting warmer but getting colder. In the other picture it shows him and a polar bear with water that is risen up to their mid-section showing that even when the proof is right there about global warming many are still in denial about it. Even when the study has shown that global warming is happening and that it is believe it ist the fault of man because of green house gases.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Health Bill Revives Abortion Groups

Abortion awakens ever since the Democrats made their health care proposals. Many abortion groups like the Susan B. Anthony List which is an anti-abortion fund-raising group. Abortions-rights groups have very active the last 2 weeks. An amendment has been sponsored by Rep. Bart Stupak[D] to stop the use of extra Federal money for insurance policies that cover abortion. The Naral pro-choice America warn that because of this amendment women will lose the right to have to buy insurance plan that cover abortion in the new health system. Many groups are making stop Stupak websites and campaigns.Both the abortion rights groups and the federal government want federal tax money to pay for abortion and to settle the insurance coverage.In polls that have been made it is said that abortion is the a low priority in health care. Many said that abortion shouldn't be part of the health care coverage and just a few said that it should be covered. At this time not many young people are passionate about abortion but are passionate for same sex unions and since in 2008 a big presidential election was going on, abortion wasn't as important until now. Now because of the abortion-rights groups it delaying the debate over health care. Now its the battle of abortion to be included or not in the health care bill.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Congress: Speed Up New Credit Card Rules

In this aritcle "Congress:Speed Up New Credit Card Rules" it states that congress has voted on making new and tough rules on credit card companies unless the lenders agree to put a hold on interest rates and fees. This bill will be effective if President Obama signs it. Rep. Barney warned banks to abusing time periods before the credit card rules bring the rates up on consumers. Rep. Frank help pass a bill that gives strict rules to lenders. This bill will be in effect in mid-Feburary which will give banks time to prepare for the new changes.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sex Offender kills teenager of 17

There have been many stories of sex offenders pretending to be who they are not over the internet. Many pose as guys of 12 to 19-year olds just to sexually abuse underage kids. In the article i read that a 32-year old pose as a 16-year old on facebook. The teenage girl thought it was a 16-year old and agreed to meet him at a restaurant near a street that is know as lover's lane. The girl's mom got worried and tried calling her on her cell phone but never got a response. Later on the man got arrested because he was driving without insurance and while he was waiting in a police cell, he started to say that he killed a girl. He use gaffer tape to suffocate her and threw her body by two roads. The police officers issued a warning on dangers of a dating a stranger over the internet. They want teens to be safe by making sure that the person they are talking to is the person they are talking to and not some sexual offender. The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Center get 500 reports a week on suspects. The man is now convicted of sexual offense.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

At Bush Administration Reunion, Cheney Attacks Obama ... Again

In Washington D.C's Union Station, Dick Cheney and I.Lewis Libby received awards. Cheney received the Keeper of the Flame and Libby received the Service before Self award. Cheney took the liberty to criticize Obama on what he is planing to do in Afghanistan. Cheney said that Obama is afraid of making a decision and send more troops to the commander to complete his mission. Cheney said that the plan that Obama annouced was his. Cheney also said that in March the troops will increase but Obama is pulling back and blaming others failure to support the plan. Cheney keeps saying that Obama is not doing a great job as president. He's says that Obama is putting politics over security and turning their guns against their guys.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Puerto Rican's Strike Over Massive Government layoffs

In Puerto Rico there was a strike that closed businesses, schools and the city's financial district. More than 10,000 protesters were on the streets protesting that the government laid off. This protest began Oct 15. Many unions took action when they heard that 17,000 government jobs were lost because of the new law 7. What the government gained from this was that now they get to pay a $3.2 billion budget deficit. The unemployment rate is at 16% which makes it worst during the recession. Many people joined the protest many students were part of this protest but some students ended up throwing eggs at the police which cause the police to arrest them. Now the police are guarding the campuses entrances to stop students from going in and use them as a moblizing point of a general strike